TP- The Darwinian Delusion

Poem 14- The Darwinism Delusion P1 In a valley of flowers where none of man's architecture towers... The drizzling rains fall, sunken in dirt's drains yet coursing, through man's very veins... These showers to leave a lingering moisture of earthly scent, its heavenly descent... Yet in defiance, ye still relent? Ungrateful for these favours God sent... See ye not the subtle and sublime driving force which powers? He who, man, empowers! From his weakened state, Lo! hear his fate! A sperm drop to a clinging clot... Was man's creation for naught? Who proportioned man, delivered life from the throes of death, the gift of birth? Who blessed ye in life so ye may know grief from mirth? Yet in darwinian delusion, ye deny yer self-worth! Will ye not remember? Yourself surrender? Vanity is the merchandise of this world, a fleeting existence whisked away in time's sway... Will you not then endeavour to find the way? Befits man, creation's best & God'...