Miscellaneous Memoirs- Nur & Fire

 Extract 1- (An extract from a conversation between Sifreel and Afreet...)

Tall and strong, blue eyed and fair...
Stares he into the abyss, does he seeks to find glare?
Tighten the straps lest ye fall from your mare...
I know not, perhaps seeking worldly lust, then like others before him, his nose shall soon find itself in the dust, does he dare?
Mislead into the beast's lair, Walking into the deluder's treacherous plots?
Knows he not! Hellfire lacks not in empty slots..
Ha! Then he'd better write his will, appoint an heir!
Waterless like a wilting rose potted in its vase...
His soul too, starved and breathless in a glass-case...
Its dimensions ever shrinking, the soul now bruised and blackened, its voice only shrieking...
Indeed! Why does he not spend some time in seclusion, truth-seeking?
I know all too well his kind...
They all walk blind...
A veil set over their hearts and mind...
Their camels would pass through needles before the truth they shall find!
A lie spoken so awful, comes this not from your mouth but from your hind...
He is well mannered and kind...
Well spoken and sound of mind...
Their destinies all intertwined...
With the pious, his paths shall cross...
Then from this bare rock, moisture beckons moss
Clearing & overgrowing above the littered doss..
If so, then they shall enter the everlasting garden with their Lord's most merciful pardon...
See ye! How unusual, the clouds follow... his..
(The rest is smudged in blackish tar- not discernable)


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