TP- Destiny's Warcry!
Poem 12- Destiny's Warcry!
O' Insolent Ignobles! Have you considered us mere fawn?
By Allah's might! We shall show you nightly stars even after dawn...
You dare dampen this din's fragrant musk?
We shall wipe you out 'fore this day's setting dusk...
No longer yesterday's subservient and empty husks, now you shall face a mammoth's tusks...
Traces of treachery no longer lingering...
These flames not doused nor flickering...
Soon turned upside down, these wretched faces scheming and snickering...
God shall set confusion's veil on your hearts, your ranks belligerent and bickering...
O' Allah! Turn their world upside down, set on their faces a sorrowful frown...
Grant us instead, leadership's crown!
We shall once more bring justice to this landscape, the evils ones shall find no escape!
None innocent shall we beat or berate!
Hear my pleas Ya Rabb! You surely are well acquainted even with our very heartrate!
Learnt have we our lessons, so lessen this burden and let not them overturn us in despair!
We find ourselves by darkness enveloped in a beastly lair, so change our fortunes and fare!
We shall reduce any opposition to your word into dust and ash...
For this, we shall endure any torturing, any whip and lash!
Endow this youth! So we may silence the uncut uncouth!
So hear me O' Muslims! This is God's destiny to be! His din will prevail and any taghut would be naught but history's footnote!
Overwhelmed in this world's riches, sunken their boat! So who there be left then, to boast and gloat? Fear Allah! Fear his wrath! And do his work!
Much evil must be cleared, the shadows still lurk! Where be ye? Hear me ye!
Remember then will ye! When Musa said to the Israelites their God's will but instead, in defiant disobedience, they only stood still!
So then banished to roam, madness leaving their mouths in a frothy foam!
40 years wandering the deserts of Sehra'e Sina...
Deprived their Ummah of a Rasool but his vicergent Yusha bin Nun arose, the youth's hearts now turned in a poetic prose...
So conquered they Jerusalem, freedom from despotic oppression in a divinely decreed intervention...
Such events thus reach their conclusion, who dare stand in prevention?
Destiny's deliverance shall come to pass by, if not through your hands then soon and neigh!
If you precede in chance but woefully return to dust...
Then know Allah's sunnah doesn't change, he will exchange!
Overtaken by others though succeeding yet preceding, not overtaken by lust...
So rise, Arise! Pave the way to the kuffars demise!
Ahad Ahad Ahad-ul Ahad!
Ahad Ahad Ahad-ul Ahad!
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