Miscellaneous Memoirs- Miracles
Miracles- (Not a poem)
Tis my reflection on the Islamic philosophy of miracles & my issues with the Western thought process...
So westerners even including "spiritual ppl" have this issue with accepting miracles and look at natural processes as absolute and unchangeable. I wanna challenge this thinkin that tries to explain metaphysics using science, science can only go as far as to explain how natural processes work and dont give us an objective reference point as to how to feel about certain actions and no, we cant derive that from our own subjective experiences as a community because truth isn't a democracy and saying cuz vast majority consider something acceptable doesnt entail that it's supposed to be objectively right, it's a bandwagon fallacy and only works if the current societal structure and norm follows objective (divine for me) ethical principles which you know are subject to change ALL the time so that's stupid to rely on it. What I've found common amongst you ppl is that there's this heavy emphasis, kinda like a assumption that miracles cant be discerned in any sense whatsoever & laws of nature are proper entities that're being violated if miracles happen. The laws of nature are simply mathematical descriptions of reality. They themselves arent actaul powers or forces. The power to manifest these belongs to God alone, it can also be proven using the contingency argument which I wont delve into rn cuz that's a tangent lmaoo.. so to begin with, for a thing to be possible, its possibility to exist cant become existent but rather its possiblity to exist must be beginningless therefore the power to create the thing has to be beginningless.... followin along?😅 ill put it this way....if I say that the possibility of X began to exist then I'd be saying that X wasn't possible prior to becoming possible therefore it's impossible which is absurd and defies simple logic we just established earlier...and this put simply means it cant exist at all as a result therefore the power by which all possible things like yasir, yez and nature itself, along with it's traditonal laws, are created has to be beginningless and we know that God is the only beginningless being as he exists outside time if we understand the contingency argument due to being omnipotent and as a muslim, the teachings taught to me coincides with this rationale...I was taught to believe in a necessary timeless being existing Islamically.... well well, what a surprise no? We'll stay away from the contingency argument for now loool but understanding it then applying its logic, we can say laws of nature were contingent and began to exist, they were created by a higher power, this implies they dont have the power to cause existence therefore arent absolute and set in stone & only God is able to cause things into existence and create them so every single natural phenomenon you observe in nature is directly caused by God in every moment by his will so when you observe change in nature, its God creating new things in that moment, new accidents in the moment's essence or he is annihilating certain things and accidents therefore there can be logically speaking, nuthin to stop this higher power from creating miracles. It's a road that goes both ways if you think about it cuz o the law of non-contradiction. Incidentally, I have no reason to say fire can't burn forever in time towards the future cuz if God can create fire and the accident of burning in one moment of time effortlessly, why would it be considered impossible for him to create these same realities in every consecutive consequent moment after moment in time one after another like frame after frame in an old picture until ad infinitum...you see where I'm getting at here? So to say hell doesnt exist and infinity is a long unfathomable time are stupid irrational arguments antropogenically derived because hell cant be discerned by our sense or that miracles cant occur cuz they "contradict science" so much for that rationale, no? That standard cant be applied to logic because it is objective and consistent which I used to make my points here... I dislike it when ppl try to force naturalistic ontological frameworks on such concepts and if you disagree, you're automatically labelled conservative and shit...like chill dafuq out :/
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