TP- Modern Man's Melancholy

Poem 1- Modern Man's Melancholy P1

I have stepped into this world and found this society lacking;
Chasing every whim and carnal desire, casting away any moral backing;
This modernity, what is it but rationalized lust;
A sickening stimulation akin to brains in a dopamine vat. We think not but as our forefathers, we too shall return to dust;
So I stand, a cognizant cog in a grand scheme of clockworks trying to tell the time;
Will you not then reason, 'O mankind?
I saw in my dreams a foggy island and on it, a tormented soul looking beyond its grave repeating, "Your disbelief eludes me, does it truly elude you too?" I draw in closer as he laments, "Time bears witness!
I stood where you stand allured by these very chasms of depravity and yet I dove in chasing after its fleeting leisures. Deceived & deceited was I! Time bears witness! your reckoning too is neigh."
Yes, Indeed! The last hour of destiny shall come to pass-by.
But mankind sees it not, was all this for naught?
This special existence fraught with our tyranny, it's onslaught?
What have ye to present but debauchery and headlessness;
You shall taste the truth, in full recompense.
A just end to the toils of your labour, reaping what you used to sow;
So now I ask, will you gain His favour?
Will you in humility, lower thy head to bow?
Or will ye faulter? In drunken disillusion and arrogant laughter;
Unfulfilled in this life and the hereafter, writhing in regrets before your master....
Poem 2- Modern Man's Melancholy P2
To whom does this address? A question age old...
Do you know? Nay! Only those with hearts of pure gold...
Drunken with power, man walks proudly and ostentatiously...
Does he think death wont touch him? Neglectful to his duties, transgressing most audaciously...
This path he trods, a dark figure his only forebearing company, silent and unsettling...
In the creeping darkness, even his shadow leaves so to what avail his nature, cold and calculating....
The night's terror approaching and reproaching him, bloodshot eyes and fearsome canines...
Its feast most justified, retribution for his heartless hoarding, its famines festering so be enstrangled now, O' venomous serpentine...
The proofs made ample, tear him up, I say! Make an example...
A story to be passed down for the ages, then like a day's sunset, only remembered by the old sages...
Lo! This is decreed, no man lives long enough to see the wheel complete its rotation...
Our destiny such, wandering unawares in habituation....
Can you now deny the signs many fold foretold?
Just look around, what sights to behold!
The barren earth quenching its thirst with the torrential rains...
Yielding wheat and barley, who but mankind gains?
Its dry death changed to lush life...
To the thoughtful, will this not suffice?
Undignified for our intellect to neglect, Nay! Man knows!
Yet fanning his own flames, he heaves and blows!
Or perhaps orbital shifts and the night sky, devoid of the sun's fiery wrath, naught but for your calm and rest....
Who bestowed and endowed ye? Find the truth locked and hidden in thy chest....
This sleep was temporary, you've turned it into a forgetful slumber. Reflect ye O' contemporary!
Praise your Lord in light and night, manifesting your faithfulness most graciously...
Reclaim your tilth, cultivating and pondering over its growth. This guidance, a mercy received most miraculously...
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