Nazam'e Gamma- The Ottoman Nightfall
Poem Gamma- The Ottoman Nightfall....
As the sun once drew anew, its phase now last, a glorious zenith well past, driven into the horizon, bloody and sunken...
The times deciduous, it's men drunken...
An empire fallen into the decadence of dependence, failing to regain any sense of semblance...
She cries in remembrance for her silhouette has lost all resemblance....
It weighs on our chests more than a ton to see this eclipsed sun...
In it's shadows, a pestiferous festering!
It's roots of corruption now taking hold, the sultan's courtly viziers cheaply sold and mujahideen dying in darkness and cold...
By its leisures allured, the world over have we toured...
I say with certainty a story often untold, such a mould cast can never again be poured and since its collapse, this seething sorrow can not be cured...
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