Miscellaneous Memoirs- Bilad Ash-Sham
Bilad Ash-Sham
My country of Ash-Sham lies in shambles..
Scrapped away by those astray, he scrambles..
For power and politics in eloquent rhetorics..
Verily! Himself, a pitiful self, he entangles!
Strung for those he stung, once vicious now viscerous entrails, how treachery entails!
These are no mumbles of a man, eccentric..
But truths darting centuries, their testimonies only in cradles & cemeteries..
We'd pretend, "our lives shall extend!"
Yet even he who'd hedonism command, could not commend!
Him should you befriend? This trust you lend only to be reciprocated by treachery, how a tragic end!
So who could or rather would on that day lend?
You be blinded by thy lusts & passions, heartless compassions & flaunting fashions!
What though of he who fashions? Fashioned man into the best of statures...
Disembark this ark of lark, I'd remark!
Could you count the countless? By His very many and varied creatures,
Leave those who seek to deceive!
This message now you've received, but have you really and truly perceived?
Or follow thee, ways to flee...
These ideas of late you'd contrive to have conceived, Alas! had you but simply believed!
You be blinded by thy lusts & passions, heartless compassions & flaunting fashions!
What though of he who fashions? Fashioned man into the best of statures...
Disembark this ark of lark, I'd remark!
Could you count the countless? By His very many and varied creatures,
Leave those who seek to deceive!
This message now you've received, but have you really and truly perceived?
Or follow thee, ways to flee...
These ideas of late you'd contrive to have conceived, Alas! had you but simply believed!
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