Miscellaneous Memoirs- The Hitler Messiah


Miscellaneous Memoirs- The Hitler Messiah

Care to dare? Glare ye into my soul searching stare;

I have for ye but a question from beauty's blue,

Tell me of a clue; anything of value, in this old ware?

Search all ye may to fay but the answer is clear as day...

Ye be monotonously lobotomized in this feat of social engineering,
This fool an optimized tool, meant for their profiteering...

Yer lives sold for their luxury, yer health for their wealth and yer peace for their piece...

Will ye not then, this opportunity seize?

Forthwith! By the forehead! Answerable for this life of luxury he's lead!

Took our women to bed than the poor fed, see ye all his face now ever so red!

Our blood and sweat his wine, cut the lifeline of this swindling swine...

See how fate's threads intertwine? Would we but in union dine than whine over mine from thine..

This life has a thin line between sweet and brine, so always strive and let integrity define....

We be pawns in their puzzle, preferably with our mouths in a silent muzzle...

But they can not overcome destiny's tussle;
For overcomes the few fat fucks, many's hussle...

Would you then let him berate? Defile and revile? Your rights revoke? Speak ye! Strike in a masterful stroke 'fore ye die penniless and broke....

'Fore they belittle us back into the old ways and tis too little, too late;
Never then would this wicked wolf's hunger ever sate...

Nor this night giving way to any light, a longing sight for which only ye can fight...

So be beholden then to thy vows and hold her fists ever tight for onwards we march, to what's right! 


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