Miscellaneous Memoirs- Dreams of Deliverance!

Miscellaneous Memoirs- Dreams of Deliverance! These gates' grand entry mine for a few dates thine? His everlasting and absolute mercy, how so divine! Qalb as-Salem! These hearts, how so pure and fine! This inheritance his who's tawheed draws destiny's line! Distinguish they haq from batil so extinguish may the nafs! fiqar o' faqar's katil... They'd stave off fitnah for fitrah, tempts them neither wine or swine! These are the inheritors, flying to firdaus! Their faces illuminating, ever to shine! From couches they'd recline, their joy never to decline! In magnificence shall they dine! See ye, Ummat e Muhammadia ﷺ's fate for endearing this wait? Nour's Hourrs their mate! See outside your loft & say how oft! How oft do fates such intertwine? Proclaim then his praise & lower thy gaze! For know we must endeavour to endure this maze, much to the shaytaan's wretched amaze! And fear not! For the sattar ul ayyub will make this mayyu...