Miscellaneous Memoirs- Shaytaan's Last Sermon


Miscellenous Memoirs- Shaytaan's Final Sermon

Would a twirling tornado's might compare with the majesty of a wrist's twist?
Would only allegories and analogies give away this life's gist?
Which examples would suffice? How many would I have to list?
Would the sun shine, warming a day whenst your hands be free from wine? Whenst thou finally desist, than thy Lord resist?
This sorrow ever awaits the new 'morrow,
Saved would ye, by threaded margins; narrowly escaping this scraping arrow...
Fired by one doused in flames of infamy, his blatant blasphemy...
Ties immaterial since time immemorial now cut by brewed feelings of distrust, how precise this surgeon's hysterectomy!
From blight's burrow he draws, never withdraws...
His quiver coated in quicksilver housing arrows, poised in arrogance..
In delusion, ye now sharing in his illusion,
A false sense of self-dominance...
Verily, thou shall find a rebuking retribution!
Ye' have all fell into this darkened well, his smile how so swell!
Said envy's envoy, "Were you chasing a decoy? So now decay in dismay!
Had ye but followed the straight way, never could I have led you astray..."
Ibless his name and every Idrees fair game...
"I disavow myself from your blame!
Who followed my distractions?
Who initiated those misactions?
Your nafs was always your animal to tame..."

"Ya Rabbi! I have ruined myself, had I but read the Qur'ān dusted on my shelf!
Had I forsaken fortune and fame!
Desisted when the warners came!
Perceived rather than (myself) deceived!
For every waking moment, your message was heard and received!
Had only my ears and eyes not lead me to my demise! Had I but perished 'fore hearing my surmise...
What a sorrowful sight, where may I now turn in flight?
What use be my indulgence in delight?
My affluence and influence?
My iron fisted might?
The arrival of this reprisal signals a gully so fully abysmal! How dismal!
Retribution for my unjust attribution,
But now I say, You are One! God is One! He is One! One, I say!" 


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