
My dear friend, nay brother, Hamza

  A water glaze in the midsummer midnoon blaze... My history with you now anew, could we ever erase?  and into a frenzied crowd's craze, we laughed to a crown's daze... Never do you cease to amaze, nay! not even in a midwinter midnight laze... So tell me brother, what makes you faze?  I'd wager a pretty penny, nought ought except a fear, even to me most dear; helps it straighten a'steer, nay, never to veer آمین

Too Little, Too Late!

  Too little, too late... The sky fell when she could tell... All asunder at her blunder, wept it bitter tears of rain and thunder... All ye had were doubts, I tried dearly to dispel... All yer waswas to repel, couldn't ye tell? I had been cast in yer love binding spell, could I but foretell...  Into the bay of shifting sands, lay a heart most sunken... In clouded clarity, not even a drop, never drunken... So I say much to yer dismay, with all my hopes riding a single ray... Tis now too little, too late... I've my date with fate, and so do you anew.. wish thee I never knew, my sinew ye slew, then with avarice and cowardice flew.. So soil these sands with your presence, for it is much akin to yer absence...  Tawhid's the tenant most true! To what fleck did ye flock?

A Heart's Song

 My heart sings as a songbird... Hovering all fast paced, for her love I raced!  This hummingbird has all her words, drunk off their sweet nectar and sass... Her looks all glaring, and tempers flaring but this bird is caged in love's iron and brass... For her do I long, but I must now stay strong... These words all so wrong, wrought with a flame of blame... Then cast forth in chainmail, brought her back head to tail...  For this my heart, now frailed, shall be ever so flailed by its heartstrings,  And yet this white lotus brings me pride,  youth back to my sight and a spring back in my stride...  O Allah, let not this gap grow wide,  wash away it's puss in a high tide...

A bereft father's Woe

No Woe to Show Sandals of stone, till brim and bone... Candles to atone, all grim and alone... All my why's slip away, all shy and bye... Could I but cry, those tears now dry... I look sky high, those fears now fly... Try as I, trouble and truffle, my very lie... Her lunar eclipse scuffled, my son's sun muffled... For my trifle, they all now stifle... A pin to my chin and head held to a rifle! They fail to flail my skin, so weld by lead, none to take his stead!  They pontificate all pompous, but they lay upon the bay of pompeii!  Much to my dismay do I say, you have lost your way, far away and astray... Into Vesuvius' volcanic depth you lept, morality cleft all asunder... Will you still not surrender? Or wish ye' to be her ashtray? 

The Grand Forest of Tomorrow

 The Grand Forest of Tomorrow Sandals of stone, till brim and bone... Candles to atone, all grim and alone... All my why's slip away, all shy and bye... Could I but cry, those tears now dry... I look sky high, those fears now fly... Try as I, trouble and truffle, my very lie... Her lunar eclipse scuffled, my son's sun muffled... For my trifle, they all now stifle... A pin to my chin and head held to a rifle! They fail to flail my skin, so weld by lead, none to take his stead!  They pontificate all pompous, but they lay upon the bay of pompeii!  Much to my dismay do I say, you have lost your way, far away and astray... Into Vesuvius' volcanic depth you lept, morality cleft all asunder... Will you still not surrender? Or wish ye' to be her ashtray?

An Eid of Solitude

  An Eid of Solitude The new moon could not dispel my spell of gloom... This heart's shatter, the echoing silo's of it's boom!  Miss that treachery served on a silver platter... Since you left, within my heart a ravenous cleft... Without you lost light it's hue, would love ever matter?  And so, my love's dove shall take flight whenst the pillager's plight draws in, destined for sight!  Tis not might that makes right, but following Al-Furqan's light! O' dearest firefly.... She now shimmers and flies under the dimmers of war-torn skies, born in the flimmers of far-born lies! Hear ye not these cries? Sights lost longing for your son's eyes... This fever burns hot, a flame over molten iron-scopes.. Dashed ye my hoopoes' hopes, in chains, not even ropes?  In those very depths of darkness, the abyss reminiscences an abscess... Could I to the truth but confess, these feelings quantify and fate defy!

The Saint's Taint

  The Saint's Taint A saint's taint to testify how men deify yet angels vilify... Oh my!  How you lie, yourself belie! Fear Allah, Wrath! from the sky! Fear His inescapable might; if not, are you capable of flight? Will you not die? Thy time ye waste in mire, so shall ye taste a fire, its fiery embers dismembers! Is there any who remembers? Any lighted firefly to codify?  Or are ye some smited storyteller, a faulty merchant seller and possessor of blood like a wine cellar?  An icy heart's cold-rated beat to beat, the sour soul... Its kindled spirit; a gold-plated measure to the kindred spirit, now all beneath the shaytaan's sole.... The sellsword's word and bell, through time's test, fell; as he for fame's face, flaunted... Every coin he counted, every loin he courted!  Courted in courtesy, to exhume ecstacy's soul-choking and foul fume... A poisonous conifer watered by a pestiferous pond, to the death in a debt's bond!  O' how they are of their ...


 Saying “I am Salafi” | Sheikh Al-Albanī  Q: Some of the Du‘āt say: “I refuse to say that I am salafi out of fear that people will think I am a Hizbi.” Is this statement correct or do I have to explain what Salafiyyah is to the people?  A: A discussion took place between me and an Islamic writer who is with us upon the Qur’ān and Sunnah. I ask our brothers from the students of knowledge to memorise this discussion as it has an important benefit.  I told him: “If someone asks you “What is your Madhab (viewpoint)?” What would your answer be?” He said: Muslim  I said: “This answer is wrong” He said: “Why?” I said: “If someone asks you “What is your religion?” What would your answer be?”  He said: Muslim  I then said: “At first, I didn’t ask you what your religion is, I asked you what your madhab is. And you know that in the Islamic lands today there are a lot of different madhabs. You are with us in declaring that some of them have left the fold of Islam,...

Miscellaneous Memoirs- Capricious Courage

  Miscellaneous Memoirs- Capricious Courage  So I settle as spurge nettle... Poised in poisoned mist, unaware of life's gist... Just as limewater lays scourge to a kettle, So does a self-professed depressed's indulgent splurge away from meaningful mettle! And when the dusk's dust does settle, The horseman's astride will bestride any donkey's ride! Your blue's hue! In whom but Allahﷻ could your hearts truly confide? In loser's lieu! For this rollercoaster, into the great roaster, ye forsake the everlasting abide? Tis folly to feign a false gain! You'd escape the Almighty's reign? As if thy creation ends with cremation, all in vain... On that day of reckoning, which king's ring would you kiss? Would you then miss? Thy so called president, just another transient resident's beckoning? Nay! You shall soon know with your mathematically prized certainty! Your erroneous Celsius a few degrees too cold, all for the bigot's ingots of go...

Miscellaneous Memoirs- Truth's Testament

Miscellaneous Memoirs- The Taliban's Testimony P1 You have the watches, we have the time! Your military might to make right? Its trillions now worth a dime! Your Atomic MQ- 1 's yet still devoid of sight! Our Atomic AQ worshipping the One, His illuminating light! Your reconnaissance could not spot this renaissance! Could not resist this resistance of unity's resonance! Now hear my whiplash of rhyme mixing thy ash in grime! You're guilty without penalty? Buying your way through venality? Most spendthrift, ever adrift, till senility! Indeed, none but Allahﷻ could lift this senescence! Animosity and animality your newfound nexus of normality, now not even a formality! What was thee? Alas! these eyes could not see... A hypochromatic chromosome, now a hypochondriac never to atone... Verily, these hearts pump tar; never to scar, this solid lump of stone... Your elected erected monuments of skull, thy charred columns of crime! Just as no dale's nightingale escapes its bird...

Miscellaneous Memoirs- Signify to Dignify

  Signify to Dignify We are no strangers to elemental dangers, Ravenous ravines or strenuous streams, forthwith! say these rangers... The ticking tocks of timely crystals, temporaly in tune with heavenly celestials... Daylight's warm breeze and nightlight's cool freeze? Believe then would you! Lest by thy forehead shall he seize... No more time then to lease! Who then be left to appease? Or what of the neonate? Who provides the motherly milk to sate? Or the glucose dose of date? The misotheist's wretched dishonest hate! The sage of age 10... Then when returns this fate most innate?

Miscellaneous Memoirs- The Rumble

  The Roaring Rumble Mumble till ye hear the rumble! That day mighty mountains to crumble! Are you not to be stayed by death's stumble? Or to be betrayed, turning thy book in fumble? Then who can intercede to plead from the fire's tumble? Rocks a'blastin' and sparks a'castin'... The knave's cave meant to be everlastin'? His fall his end all, after all, he did reject this call... Terribly thunderous claps for his judgemental lapse, This stormy weather aloft to turn thy skin ever so soft, into lasting leather... And yet you stand on his land with Imans light as a feather? Smoulder's smother be any other! My Lord is One! Ahad! Ahad ul Ahad! He was one when there were none! So shall he remain one when we are all done! These signs last, their dark overcast... What colors of these salient sails, their broken mast! These waves tidal and treacherous as the advisors of the once mighty chosroes...

Miscellaneous Memoirs- Leaves of Light

Miscellaneous Memoirs- Leaves of Light Am I esoteric or egocentric? Perhaps both and also eccentric! If change were to inverse the universe; many an expectations still to subverse, knowing the inimitability of the divine verse... So leave jest, this charade is a false parade... This sieve's test must ye best or find yourself in a grandiose escapade? A leopard's stripe, his strike, none his like! Yet you waver like a little tike... Emperors of empiricism advocate healthy skepticism... This sonic screech sticks like a leech, its nothingness & nihilism... What remorse leaves or moral cleaves when hedonism heaves? Know ye not, nothing to turn or twist without his permission, not even leaves....

Miscellenous Memoirs- A Jannesary's Journey

  Miscellenous Memoirs- A Jannesaery's Jounrey From this tourney starts man's journey... Journal he may, thoughts of grandeur & greatness, Yet only in humility lies this epiphany, a minion to he whose is ultimate dominion... Does man think himself self-sufficient? His profiteering ever so proficient? Verily, his is a matter most defiled and deficient... I'd be over the days of deliverance ever reminiscent... When this faith's bud just blossomed as a new moon's nightly crescent... These knightly men's fasting by light and prayering by night gave forth from enshrouding darkness a piercing sight! How had we ever, these ways of valor, lost; and for such meager a cost... Yet I still see glimmers of an essence, perhaps to signal an end in this long lapse in luminescence... These scales of rigour sequester men of vigour... Not tongues vulgar, nor deeds dying and leger... Where be those astute arms, the sight of whom shayateen greeted by ringing alarms...

Miscellaneous Memoirs- Tunnels of Torment

  Tunnels of Torment Traversing memory lane's tunnel feels like falling through a funnel... This peg now on its last leg, she oft leaves her claustrophobic kennel... Would I in my duties fail or faulter? Now high on haunting hallucinations, they rob my every joy and laughter... These voices reverberate, longings to my lifeline separate... Forsaking myself, I now lay ever despondently desperate... 

Miscellaneous Memoirs- Bilad Ash-Sham

                                                Bilad Ash-Sham My country of Ash-Sham lies in shambles.. Scrapped away by those astray, he  scrambles .. For power and politics in eloquent rhetorics.. Verily! Himself, a pitiful self, he entangles! Strung for those he stung, once vicious now viscerous entrails, how treachery entails! These are no mumbles of a man, eccentric.. But truths darting centuries, their testimonies only in cradles & cemeteries.. We'd pretend, "our lives shall extend!" Yet even he who'd hedonism command, could not commend! Him should you befriend? This trust you lend only to be reciprocated by treachery, how a  tragic end!  So who could or rather would on that day lend? You be blinded by thy lusts & passions, heartless compassions & flaunting fashions! What though of he who fashions? Fashioned man into the best of s...

TP- Jets over Jerusalem

     Jets over Jerusalem Part-1 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  O' People of Rabat, harken to hear a story most dear, of Al-Quds' Ribat... Whilst the clever consequentialist checks off his never ending list, His prayer poised without flare, only hypocrisy's flair... Verily, their speech most measured, elated & eloquent yet how so unfair!  Hell's herder only takes these flocks, their hearts in locks, to lecher & lust's lair.... Their silencing muzzle leave the land of Quds to rivers of blood, guzzle.... These times forecast a vast overcast, its dark shades... The truth how rarely spoken, we'd now need hearing-aids! To these widows' wades! O' their wailing wades! Burrow beneath this sorrow, find ye seeds to survive these weeds, this night's new 'morrow! Men of an upright spine, it's prolific marrow! Their foreheads dusted yet destined to shine! An arrow away from firdaus, to dance and dine! These are the souls of salvation, Ahle Quds; ...

Miscellaneous Memoirs- Dreams of Deliverance!

  Miscellaneous Memoirs- Dreams of Deliverance! These gates' grand entry mine for a few dates thine? His everlasting and absolute mercy, how so divine! Qalb as-Salem! These hearts, how so pure and fine! This inheritance his who's tawheed draws destiny's line! Distinguish they haq from batil so extinguish may the nafs! fiqar o' faqar's katil... They'd stave off fitnah for fitrah, tempts them neither wine or swine! These are the inheritors, flying to firdaus! Their faces illuminating, ever to shine! From couches they'd recline, their joy never to decline!  In magnificence shall they dine! See ye, Ummat e Muhammadia ﷺ's fate for endearing this wait? Nour's Hourrs their mate! See outside your loft & say how oft! How oft do fates such intertwine? Proclaim then his praise & lower thy gaze! For know we must endeavour to endure this maze, much to the shaytaan's wretched amaze! And fear not! For the sattar ul ayyub will make this mayyu...

Miscellenous Memoirs- Twins in Trio

  Twins in Trio- Gracefully Gracious How'd ye' be when terror reproaches thee... Where to could any then flee? Normalized in this norm, if only her storming storm could you but see... What thinks ye of the hexagonal honeycomb's busy bee? It's medicinal belly cures ye into a cheerful glee... Or remember then none but thy own self as a bare babe, how so wee... Who brought ye into strength? Rooted firm and tall as a towering tree.... A cry to proclaim Jesus, then only to mock and instead deify John locke or chant ye Jay-shree? These many a magnitude repeat a historic feat, locked fates for locked knees.... Twins in Trio- Remorsefully Rebellious Read! Read in the name of thy Lord, entirely merciful & especially merciful! Read aloud and high, to rectify! Heard in the seven skies, to sanctify! So perhaps thy hearts then, in truth, testify! And yer charred characters may beautify! Yet all I see be black hearts spotted in spotify! So would then he who takes o...

Miscellaneous Memoirs- The Hitler Messiah

  Miscellaneous Memoirs- The Hitler Messiah Care to dare? Glare ye into my soul searching stare; I have for ye but a question from beauty's blue, Tell me of a clue; anything of value, in this old ware? Search all ye may to fay but the answer is clear as day... Ye be monotonously lobotomized in this feat of social engineering, This fool an optimized tool, meant for their profiteering... Yer lives sold for their luxury, yer health for their wealth and yer peace for their piece... Will ye not then, this opportunity seize? Forthwith! By the forehead! Answerable for this life of luxury he's lead! Took our women to bed than the poor fed, see ye all his face now ever so red! Our blood and sweat his wine, cut the lifeline of this swindling swine... See how fate's threads intertwine? Would we but in union dine than whine over mine from thine.. This life has a thin line between sweet and brine, so always strive and let integrity define.... We be pawns in their puzzle, preferab...