Jets over Jerusalem Part-1 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم O' People of Rabat, harken to hear a story most dear, of Al-Quds' Ribat... Whilst the clever consequentialist checks off his never ending list, His prayer poised without flare, only hypocrisy's flair... Verily, their speech most measured, elated & eloquent yet how so unfair! Hell's herder only takes these flocks, their hearts in locks, to lecher & lust's lair.... Their silencing muzzle leave the land of Quds to rivers of blood, guzzle.... These times forecast a vast overcast, its dark shades... The truth how rarely spoken, we'd now need hearing-aids! To these widows' wades! O' their wailing wades! Burrow beneath this sorrow, find ye seeds to survive these weeds, this night's new 'morrow! Men of an upright spine, it's prolific marrow! Their foreheads dusted yet destined to shine! An arrow away from firdaus, to dance and dine! These are the souls of salvation, Ahle Quds; ...