Miscellaneous Memoirs- Shaytaan's Last Sermon

Miscellenous Memoirs- Shaytaan's Final Sermon Would a twirling tornado's might compare with the majesty of a wrist's twist? Would only allegories and analogies give away this life's gist? Which examples would suffice? How many would I have to list? Would the sun shine, warming a day whenst your hands be free from wine? Whenst thou finally desist, than thy Lord resist? This sorrow ever awaits the new 'morrow, Saved would ye, by threaded margins; narrowly escaping this scraping arrow... Fired by one doused in flames of infamy, his blatant blasphemy... Ties immaterial since time immemorial now cut by brewed feelings of distrust, how precise this surgeon's hysterectomy! From blight's burrow he draws, never withdraws... His quiver coated in quicksilver housing arrows, poised in arrogance.. In delusion, ye now sharing in his illusion, A false sense of self-dominance... Verily, thou shall find a rebuking retribution! Ye' have all fell into this d...